Thursday, April 17, 2008

6:39.6 - 2k Test April 17, 2008

Today was the culmination of several months of training. I rowed a 2k in under 6:40.0 minutes, which was my season goal. Since the team no longer has a use for 2k tests, I was on my own, and I spontaneously decided to make an attempt today-even though I had ran 5 miles this morning.

Here's the plan:

2000m 01:42.0
500m 01:40.0
1500m 01:41.0
400m 01:38.0
1000m 01:40.0
300m 01:36.0
500m 01:37.0
200m 01:36.0
avg split 01:40.0
100m 01:35.0
total time 06:40.0
500m avg 01:37.0

And here's the "As-built":

2000m 01:41.8
500m 01:40.0
1500m 01:41.2
400m 01:38.0
1000m 01:39.5
300m 01:36.0
500m 01:37.2
200m 01:36.0
avg split 01:39.9
100m 01:36.0
total time 06:39.6
500m avg 01:37.2

The last 500m splits are approximate, of course-just from memory. Originally, I had planned to have a bigger difference between my first and last 500m. I traded that plan in for one that is more "tight" (i.e. the standard deviation of the splits is less). This new plan served me well, but I must say that the last 250m was the longest ~48 seconds of my life.

Here's a plot of the splits:

With my season 2k goal reached, I can now focus on swimming, biking, and running (in that order).

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